Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I decided to do a short picture synopsis of Nolan's story to raise awareness for pediatric cancer.  Nolan has been fighting Anaplastic Medulloblastoma (a type of brain cancer) for 23 months now.

This picture was taken days after his first brain surgery.  He lost his ability to walk, sit up, hold his head up, move his left arm.  It would take 18 months and extensive physical therapy to re-learn how to walk.  Nolan still to this day does physical, occupation, and speech therapy.  We have also discovered how wonderful karate is for his hand/eye coordination and balance.  He loves it and everyone is amazed at the difference it has made :)

Nolan had 30 days of radiation.  They made a mask of his face and it was bolted down to the table to assure he wouldn't move.  Nolan was on the border of needing sedation but we were able to convince him with $1 a day to not move a muscle   He received the maximum dose of radiation he could get to his brain and spine.

After 30 days of radiation he was able to take his mask home :)  Here he is pictured with the best radiation tech ever Greg. He is so good with the kids and Nolan loved his impression of "the duck"

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