Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hangin in there

I'm sorry for not taking the time to update.  I just don't have the time to and I can never find the right words....

Nolan has been home 2 months now.  He was declining very rapidly when we first brought him home.  He immediately lost his ability to speak, swallow and show any emmotions (can't smile). Ever since then he's just been hanging in there and we are enjoying every moment with him.  He isn't in any pain and is not requiring any pain meds,  His seizures seem to be under control and he seems very peaceful.  We were finally able to start his functional formularies liquid hope (we had fund raised for this a while back... as soon as we got home and he is on a "no sugar" diet. It's really not a big deal for him because he doesn't eat by mouth but it has made the biggest difference in him.  His bloodwork looks awesome, he hasn't vomited in 6 weeks and just all around he is doing good considering his situation.  We know this is probably not curative for him but is giving him the best quality of life we can give him right now.
The only issue we have had lately is that he got a wound on his shunt valve and now his valve is exposed :-(  We are keeping it covered and just praying it doesn't get infected...

Thank you for all your continued love, support and prayers!
It will be very rare that I can get on here and update but if you want to follow his facebook here's the link....

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10


An account has been set up for Nolan's financial needs. All proceeds will be used to off-set expenses associated with Nolan's illness and care.

Donations can be made through United Bank of Griffin, GA. Branch locations are available via their website . Remember, account is under the name, "Elisa Dupree, Pray For Nolan Blake".

donations can also be made via paypal.  The email is...