Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nolan was given a six week break after Radiation.  It was really important to rest and enjoy as much as possible.  Make-A-Wish sent him to Disney world.  It was the coldest weather Florida had seen in 20  Nolan was weak and very fatigued but we made the most of every moment.  Little did we know exactly how hard the next 6 months would be.....

Nolan in the cockpit of an Air Tran plane.  On his way to Disney :)

Mickey and Minnie came to visit the kids at Give kids the world.

Nolan feeding the dolphins with him mom, brother Charlie and uncle Blake.  He wanted to swim with

Nolan had been on steroids for 3 months now.  We had to increase the dose so he could get on the plane for Disney World.  When we got back he had gained 10 lbs and couldn't fit into his clothes.  Steroids are used alot in brain tumor patients to reduce swelling in the brain.  Here Nolan is with his neuro-oncologist Dr. Aguilera.  She has become more than just his doctor.  Dr. Aguilera and the BT nurses Jennifer and Melissa have become our family.

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