Sunday, June 3, 2012

What a busy week it's been with graduations and honors day programs, but everyone is officially out of school.  Yippee!!!!  They are all so ready to enjoy the Summer. 

Yesterday we took all the kids to the Brain tumor Foundation for children's fishing event.  They had so much fun even though they didn't catch anything.  Nolan was extremely patient and worked on improving his casting.  Charlie was getting really good at threading the worms on the

Everything is going good.  Nolan seems to be improving a little bit everyday....He's still having some balance problems but it doesn't slow him down any.  The only problem we've had so far is I didn't realize etoposide needed to be refrigerated.  I just noticed the smell from it kept getting stronger and stronger.  It got to the point it would burn my nose and throat despite wearing a mask.  After last night I picked up the bottle and noticed it had stuff floating all in it.  It looked awful! After talking with the on call doctor we decided to stop the etoposide until Monday.  So I will have to make a trip Monday to get more etoposide mixed.  He also has a clinic appointment scheduled for Wednesday with IV chemo to follow.  Please pray for good blood counts.  Nolan's been looking a little pale lately...

Thank you for all the continued prayer and support...


  1. Yay, Nolan - summer! Enjoy! Keeping you and your family in my prayers.


  2. Hi Nolan, siblings and Family,
    Congrats on you all graduating your grades and being in the honors program. Yahoo for summer! The fishing trip looked awesome, too bad you didn't catch fish, but looks like u had fun. I am happy Nolan is improving, and I will be praying he gets stronger, and for his balancing issues.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    We only have one life to live so we have to live it the best we can. Things in life may knock us down but it is our strength that builds us back up Never Give Up on you life, it's beautiful!
    You are living your life the best you can, with courage, bravery, strength and determination. Also You fight so hard! You are my hero!
    Is chicken sou[ good for your health? not if u are the chicken.
